Wednesday, April 6, 2011


So, I've decided to post my blog to all of my friends on facebook. This is sort of a big step I guess. Publicly sharing my emotions with my 'public image'. Ah. Not like anyone will read this anyway. But I guess it's important for me to not be afraid of how I feel. If anything I write hurts anyone's feelings, I'm sorry. I'm going through a lot right now and to understand my emotions, I need to express them to myself.


  1. Brofist. Read it all and really wish I had something to say to cheer you up dude. I have disconcerting dreams about my ex as well, I think it's normal. Shakti usually helps along with the highway. I have a job but no band. I have money but nobody to share it with. Nostalgia is awful sometimes. Hopefully see you soon dude.

  2. Hey, this is alex.

    I'm responding to this because you were completely up front with me when I was rolling around in self pity after joe and I split. You were one of the few mutual friends who said anything about it at all to me, who were candid and didn't just awkwardly fall away with the entire foundation of "home."
    I've never forgotten that. I don't think I ever let you know how grateful I am to you for remaining after everything shifted.

    Sometimes it hurts like hell, but it's all normal, and you're not alone.

  3. baba yetu's uplifting tone tends to cheer me up a bit.
    my musical preference is now soley video game music from games i have played, instead of none at all.
    i suggest you listen to baba yetu next time you are really down man. it may just help.
