Life is awesome right now. New job that isn't so bad, sold my car, got my settlement money, and got a new girrly who I fucking adore!!
Look how cute:

Anyway, now I just need to move. I stopped taking my medicine and I feel good about it.
For the first time in months, everything is going awesome. It's like right when I was at my breaking point the universe fixed everything.
In the exact same boat- my universe came undone (girlfriend of six years left me for good friend)(then left HIM for Sean McCann, LOL)(grandpa mauled to death by pit bulls, crushed my wrist in a drunken fall down basement stairs while on vacation)(anti-depressants that killed my sex drive, augmented by much weed intake), but in the past six months I've acquired a girlfriend who is by all means my soulmate, stopped the meds and the weed is back to being every once in a while, looking forward to moving out to LA soon, everything is GREAT. Happy to hear you are feeling better man...been reading this for a while and didn't want to comment with any platitudes, but yeah- congrats!