Thursday, April 7, 2011

We are your friends

I'm so glad I posted this blog on facebook. I've received overwhelming support from my friends, and I'm having a good day. I'm still half convinced that I am god, because my mood always seems to influence the weather. Of course, it could easily be the other way around. You guys are the best. I feel good about not having to hide my problems anymore. I'm having a good day, and any issues are going to be expunged my musical gatherings today.
Also, this made me laugh:

1 comment:

  1. The one thing you did wrong, was not posting this sooner, sir.
    Yuur friends care, and i am sure 99% of them were liek 'holy shit brandon, you should have let us know!'

    all and all, thank you for posting this blog.
    hopefully your mood stabilizes a bit and this turns into an epic funny homepage.
    //this is one of my firefox homepages, so i cannot miss updates
    | <- use vertical bar in between urls in your homepage to have multiple. i start firefox, and all the websites i check often open up.
    //mobile versions, if possible, to keep my bandwidth up
    pic: hilarious! what the fuck is that from?
