Friday, August 26, 2011

This pretty much explains how I feel right about now.


I crave adventure, drama, parties, youth, dancing, and loud music on my friday night. I guess I'll be getting all of that, but not really in the way that I want. No, what I really want, what I REALLY REALLY want, is to be 17 again. I miss my friends, almost all of whom are gone. I miss my car, as much of a fuckface that it was. But most of all, I miss having a bright future. Being grown up sucks. Anyway, here's the video that describes so well how I feel. The song is from an 'internet friend' of mine. I just sold him a reverb.

Now I know why I keep this blog. Reading my own words of how upset I was makes me feel better about how upset I am.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


I love my new life.
I miss my old life.
I'm broke. Like, REALLY broke.
I feel so suffocated, and so free at the same time.

I just feel like I never know how to act or what to say for more than a few days. For once, I just wish I wasn't always wrong.